How to Render Fashion Drawings
How to Draw, Render & Illustrate Fashion
Our online fashion drawing, rendering and illustration video lessons will help you realize your designs on paper and make an artist out of you! Being able to communicate your design ideas to others is a critical step toward becoming a successful fashion designer.
Click on any lesson picture, below, to learn more about that lesson. Note: You'll learn the most from our lessons by doing exactly what the teacher is doing using your own tools and supplies.
Whether your interest is in designing for women, men, tweens, infants, toddlers or older children, it all starts with learning how to draw the fashion croquis.
A fashion croquis is a rough sketch used as the foundation in fashion drawing and presents a slightly elongated figure compared to real life body proportions. Start by mastering our “Female Frontal pose”, “Drawing Female Walking Pose” and “Drawing Female Head: Front, Profile & Three Quarter”.
Then move to our “Female Contrapposto pose” lessons. Next, learn to draw the male figure with “Drawing Male Contrapposto Pose”, “Ink Drawing the Male Fashion Figure” and “Ink Drawing Male Fashion Face”. Finally, learn to draw young people with “Ink Drawing Tween Boy”, “Ink Drawing Tween Girl” and “Drawing Children – Infant & Toddler”.
Then you’re ready for our Intermediate section, or even our Computer Assisted Design (CAD) fashion art lessons.
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